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Enhancing Impact Investing in Brazil
Dear reader, prezados leitores e prezadas leitoras,

We are glad to present to you our fourth newsletter on Impact Investing in Brazil. The aim of the newsletters is to further unite the Impact Investing community, to provide a channel to exchange ideas, and simply to inspire.
This newsletter contains interviews with key stakeholders from the area of Impact Investing, such as academics, investors, and accelerators.

In this edition, the investor’s perspective will be represented by Maria Cavalcanti, executive director and co-founder of FIRST Brazil, Daniel Izzo, executive director and co-founder at Vox Capital; the accelerator’s perspective by Renato Kiyama, Director of Institutional Development at Artemisia Social Enterprises; and finally, the academic perspective will be covered by Angélica Rotondaro, managing director of the University of St.Gallen Hub for South America, as well as Estelle Tanner, master student from the University of St.Gallen (HSG) and research assistant for Impact Investing research platform for Biomass projects.

The interviews offer various insights into the different motivations behind Impact Investing in Brazil and follow the objective of spreading knowledge. Moreover, challenges and hurdles that have to be overcome in order to accelerate the further development of the Impact Investing Industry, are being addressed.

We would furthermore like to take the chance and invite you to our next conference with the topic: Enhancing Impact Investing in Brazil. The conference will take place on 28th August, from 13:30 to 19:00 at Insper(Rua Quata, 300), Sao Paulo.

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter! Danielle Braun (Impact Investing Newsletter Editor)

The HSG Hub Office in Sao Paulo: www.unisg.com.br
Phone: +55 (11) 5683 7449; Fax: +55 (11) 5641 3306